Addiction is one of the toughest problems a family can face. Learning that a loved one is battling an addiction to drugs or alcohol can be shocking and sad, and can sometimes cause panic. It’s natural for family members to feel hopeless at times, even frightened or overwhelmed. To “take care of yourself”, is the best advice you can give someone who has a loved one dealing with an addiction. We’ll cover this topic thoroughly, first, however, let’s review the signs of an addiction.
To say that these are uncertain times is an understatement. Not only are we facing constant economic concerns and high levels of unemployment, but we’re also in the middle of a global pandemic. Consuming drugs and alcohol to cope with such stress is common, that doesn’t, however, make it right. Some common signs that your loved one has a problem include:
Initiating a conversation about someone’s addiction is not easy. You need to prepare yourself for an array of possible reactions from anger to denial. Don’t use their reaction though, as a reason to avoid the discussion; their use of substances is not likely to get better on its own.
Honesty is important when expressing your concerns, but you need to go into the conversation with a firm understanding that you cannot force someone to quit their addiction. As difficult as it is to watch, in the end - the choice to stop consuming is up to them.
While you may feel emotional during this, attempting to appeal to the emotions of your loved one is often fleeting. Thinking: “if I yell enough / cry enough / threaten enough, then the afflicted individual will stop. “What did I do wrong” is a question most supporting family members eventually ask themselves, as well. These thoughts and exclamations don’t end the addiction, instead, your loved one will usually make false promises to satisfy your needs. This has, for many, become an endless cycle of hope, disappointment, and frustration.
Please don’t be hard on yourself though, it’s a bitter lesson that almost everyone in your position has to learn. That lesson is - there is little anyone can do to disrupt the addiction process, other than the person with the addiction. You can however support and comfort the afflicted individual, our goal in this article is to help you with this, as well as helping yourself during this time.
Every mental health professional will advise you - you have to take care of yourself, first. Think of the preflight instructions you hear on an airplane before takeoff; passengers are told to put on their own oxygen mask before helping anyone else - even your child.
This sentiment that everyone must care for themselves first, is an important step to coping with another person’s addiction. Making yourself sick over their addiction is not going to inspire them to stop, just as we learned earlier that crying or yelling isn’t going to help either. It’s also the reason why support groups for family members have become so popular. The meetings are usually free and are full of friends and family of those with substance problems. There are two key messages the groups try to instill in their members:
Many family members of those with problems using substances find solace through psychotherapy as well. The therapist is there to help you work through the anger, guilt, confusion and depression that most loved ones experience.
Harvard Medical School published a special report “Overcoming Addiction: Paths Toward Recovery”, which is a manual intended for the public. It helps explain why this isn’t your fault and offers a few reminders for loved ones of those with addiction, including:
With enough support from medical doctors, therapists, friends and family - a person may find their way through the addiction. However, the possibility of relapse can feel overwhelming, creating stress for people who have just finished a rehabilitation program.
In recent years, society has begun to understand addiction as a disease. Looking at it this way, you may consider that there are times when symptoms will worsen. Similar to asthma or diabetes, a course of treatment will work for a while, but then symptoms often progress. This doesn’t mean you quit, instead - you return to the doctor for a new treatment plan. Treating addiction as a disease means managing relapse in the same way. You work hard to avoid it, but understand if it happens, you start a new treatment. It’s helpful to remember that relapse is only detrimental when they refuse to seek more help.
When considering rehabilitation programs, discussing how the organization handles relapse is a good idea. A successful method that many programs use is “sponsorship”; pairing a newly recovered substance user with a successful graduate from the program. Sponsors understand the recovery process and serve as an excellent source of support for your loved one.
You can also help prevent relapse by eliminating temptation for the substance user, such as removing alcohol from the home. Trying new activities to enjoy together is often beneficial as well as new hobbies they can pursue on their own. It’s necessary for the person overcoming addiction to alter their behaviours - loved ones should try to welcome and support this change. However, just as we mentioned earlier, the only person you can change is yourself, it’s important to remember that during all stages of recovery.
ConnexOntario provides contact information for mental health and addictions services. We tailor our support to meet each caller's needs. Our professionals listen, offer support and provide strategies to help meet your goals. We can also provide information to help educate yourself on addictions including drugs, gambling, alcohol or other mental health problems.