Counselling and Treatment - Mental Health
An inter-professional team provides flexible service tailored to the individual needs of a person. A range of expert services are offered including: Psychotherapy, medication support, symptom management and support. Follow up includes support for the individuals’ recovery process and goal attainment.
Referrals are accepted from hospitals, health professionals, family physicians and nurse practitioners.
Please contact Ontario Shores Central Intake.
Inclusion Criteria:
Individuals who have demonstrated a complex clinical presentation that includes:
- Diagnosed with multiple serious mental illness of complex presentation
- Demonstrate evidence of refractory to treatment illness
- Demonstrated evidence of persistence of illness (present greater than 6 months)
- Demonstrate evidence of impaired functional ability.
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences - Whitby - Gordon Street
700 Gordon Street
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Central Access - FAX: 905-430-4000
Central Access - Toll Free: 877-767-9642