Addictions Supportive Housing (ASH)
The program is designed to support persons with problematic substance use or concurrent mental health and substance use issues who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or are considered inadequately housed.
Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. Participants can submit a written request to extend their time in the program after they have been in the program for six months. Extensions will be granted based on the individual’s identified recovery goals and their demonstrated active participation in the program. Services are delivered from an abstinence-based perspective.
Transitional housing is available to those who meet the above-noted criteria, who have recently participated in residential or day addictions treatment, or are planning to attend treatment, and are seeking to stabilize an abstinent recovery in the community.
Referrals for this program can be made through Here 24/7. Both professional and self-referrals are accepted. Please specify to Here 24/7 which day or residential addictions treatment program you have attended and when.
You may apply for transitional housing before completion of treatment or when you have a treatment date.
Stonehenge Therapeutic Community - Guelph
60 Westwood Road
Stonehenge Therapeutic Community Inc.
Staffing hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday - Saturday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PMMain Hours: Open 24/7
Central Access - FAX: 844-437-3329
Central Access - Toll Free: 844-437-3247