Case Management - Mental Health
The Community Treatment Orders (CTO) program serves individuals with a serious mental illness who have a history of repeated hospitalizations and have shown benefit from receiving treatment, care and supervision in their place of residence as an alternative to in-patient psychiatric treatment.
Individual must have had 2 or more Schedule 1 hospital admissions in the last three years or one admission of 30 days or longer in the last three years. This is on a voluntary basis or supported by their substitute decision maker if treatment incapable
Open referrals, Community Treatment Orders must be managed by a physician. Contact the CTO Coordinator for more information.
North Bay Regional Health Centre - North Bay - 50 College Drive
50 College Drive
North Bay
North Bay Regional Health Centre
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Phone: 705-474-8600
ext. 3635