Bed-Based Treatment - Mental Health
A seven-week residential treatment program designed specifically for individuals who have been struggling with chronic depression, bipolar disorder (not in an active manic episode), or anxiety.
Treatment includes the following activities:
- One-on-one therapy
- Small-group therapy
- Psychoeducation
- In-vivo exposure (when appropriate for the patient)
- Daily physical exercise and education
- Nutrition education
- Recreational activities
- Social activities
- Family support and psychoeducation.
Inclusion criteria:
- At least 18 years old.
- Have a diagnosis, or experience ongoing symptoms, of depression, bipolar disorder, or an anxiety disorder (including generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic, and agoraphobia).
- Do not have any concurrent substance use disorders.
- Are not currently in an active manic episode.
- Are ready to engage in one-on-one therapy.
- Are ready to engage in group therapy.
Please call for more information or to enrol, or visit the new Mood and Anxiety Program website.