Counselling and Treatment - Mental Health
Provides a range of therapeutic services to adults who can be considered to have mild to moderate mental health problem. Program offers assessments, individual and group counselling, case management and support to families of individuals who have been referred. Group therapy is offered in addition to individual therapy.
To access this program, fill out the AccessMHA online referral form. For individuals who do not have internet access, or who prefer to call, please call directly to book an appointment.
Cornwall Community Hospital - Community Addiction and Mental Health Services - Cornwall - 850 McConnell Avenue
850 McConnell Avenue
Cornwall Community Hospital
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Evening appointments may be arranged on an individual basis.
Toll Free: 844-361-6363
FAX: 613-361-6364
Central Access - Phone: 613-361-6363