Case Management - Substance Use
This program provides ongoing assessment/treatment planning, monitoring and support, referrals to other services as needed, education and information, advocacy, discharge planning, and community visits.
Referral from all sources including self-referrals accepted. Call or email for referral.
The program is for individuals who use opioids, including prescribed medication (Oxycontin, Percocet, and Fentanyl), heroin and its derivatives, any individual currently involved in a methadone program or suboxone program, or any individual currently using opioids and/or other substances.
Addictions Treatment Service - Pikwakanagan (Golden Lake)
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan, Community Health Services
1643 Mishomis Inamo
Renfrew Victoria Hospital
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
By appointment only.
Phone: 613-432-9855
Toll Free: 800-265-0197