Counselling and Treatment - Substance Use
Counselling and Treatment - Mental Health
This program offers:
- referral services, treatment plans for addiction recovery, and case management at all stages of recovery
- information regarding and referrals to indigenous and mainstream bed-based treatment centres, withdrawal management services, and aftercare programs
- referrals to different types of counselling based on individual needs (addiction counselling, trauma therapy, traditional life coaching
- access to both cultural and Western-based services, depending on their individual needs
Services are provided to Beausoleil First Nation band members that are Christian Island Reserve No. 30 residents.
Individuals do not need to be rostered with other services, such as the Health Centre, in order to access services from the Mental Health and Addiction Program.
Beausoleil Family Health Centre - Log Cabin
75 Kiiwedin Miikan
Christian Island
Beausoleil Family Health Centre
Main Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Phone: 705-247-2391