Counselling and Treatment - Mental Health
The Urgent services are part of the outpatient mental health program. It is a voluntary group-based program that may offer an alternative to hospitalization. The program’s focus is to support individuals in their recovery, and help them develop coping skills and take responsibility for their mental health and well-being. Individual support is also provided during the program.
Psychiatrists from KHSC's Kingston General Hospital site's Emergency Department or its inpatient units on Burr 4 and from the Hotel Dieu Hospital site's Urgent Care Centre can make referrals to this program. The program is best suited for individuals who can participate in a daily group-based program.
Hotel Dieu Hospital - Kingston - Brock Street
Johnson 5
166 Brock Street
Kingston Health Sciences Centre
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: 613-544-3400
ext. 3353