Counselling and Treatment - Substance Use
New Directions counsellors support adults who are concerned about their own or someone else’s substance use or gambling.
Anyone can make a referral (self-referral, primary care provider, emergency room visit, crisis worker, family member or concerned other etc.), as long as the individual consents and is willing to enter into the program. Please call the Central Referral and Intake team. Referral Form is available on the CMHA Grey Bruce website.
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Grey Bruce - Owen Sound - 207-1101 2nd Avenue E
1101 2nd Avenue E
Owen Sound
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Grey Bruce
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
After hours appointments are available, subject to program resources.
Phone: 519-371-3642
ext. 3212
Toll Free: 888-451-2642
ext. 3212
FAX: 226-909-0484