Counselling and Treatment - Mental Health
The Operational Stress Injury Clinic is a specialized outpatient program that serves Canadian Forces veterans and current members, and eligible members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The clinic adjusts therapy to meet each individual’s specific needs. Individuals receive an initial comprehensive assessment, after which the individual and healthcare provider collaborate to develop an individualized treatment plan. Family members of individuals may also be eligible to access these services.
Referral required. Veterans Affairs Canada, the Canadian Forces, or the RCMP will determine whether you are eligible to receive services from the OSI Clinic.
- Veterans: discuss a referral with their Veterans Affairs Canada case manager. If they do not have a case manager, call +1 (866) 522-2122 (English) or + 1 (866) 522-2022 (French) to inquire about eligibility.
- Canadian Forces: Those still serving should contact their Base Medical Officer.
- RCMP members: Speak with someone in Health Care Services for a referral.
Royal Ottawa Health Care Group - Ottawa - 1145 Carling Avenue
Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
1145 Carling Avenue
Royal Ottawa Health Care Group/Services des Santé Royal Ottawa
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: 866-522-2122
For services in French.: 866-522-2022