Case Management - Mental Health
Case managers provide support and resources for individuals 16 years of age and older who are experiencing mental health problems and their families.
Services include:
- assessment
- symptom management
- psychosocial and holistic health education
- skills building and development
- supportive counselling
- linguistic and cultural interpretation support
- service coordination, referral and liaison
- advocacy for service users' needs
- practical support for daily living
- educational and skills building group
- support for family caregivers and discharge planning.
Referrals are through the Access Point.
Hong Fook Mental Health Associations - Toronto Downtown Head Office
3rd Floor
407 Huron Street
Hong Fook Mental Health Association
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Evening and weekend hours can be arranged upon individual consideration.
FAX: 416-595-6332
Central Access - Phone: 416-640-1934
Central Access - FAX: 416-499-9716
Central Access - Toll Free: 888-640-1934