Enter Title


Counselling Services

Type Of Service

Counselling and Treatment - Mental Health

Program Description

Counselling services are offered in situations requiring a more complex response that is longer than brief services. The main focus is to reduce the severity or correct the presenting issue whether it’s social, emotional or behavioural, based on an assessment of risks, needs and strengths of the child, youth and family.

This service can also provide the following:
- Service coordination (coordinate multiple services for the youth and child)
- Case management
- Case planning
- Organizing multidisciplinary meetings to ensure all the services are provided to youth/child according to his/her needs.

French to follow:
Les services de consultation sont offerts lors de situations nécessitant une intervention plus complexe et de plus longue durée que les services brefs. Ils visent à réduire la gravité ou à corriger les problèmes affectifs, sociaux et comportementaux de l’enfant ou du jeune, en fonction d’une évaluation de ses risques, de ses besoins et de ses forces.

Les services de consultation peuvent également inclure :
- la coordination de services pour l’enfant ou le jeune entre plusieurs fournisseurs de services
- la gestion de cas
- la planification de services
- l’organisation de rencontres multidisciplinaires pour bien répondre aux besoins du jeune.

Access Information

Individuals and families are encouraged to call. Within seven(7) days a community worker will contact you to schedule a meeting.

French to follow:
Les personnes et les familles sont encouragées à appeler. Dans les sept jours suivants l’appel, un intervenant communiquera avec vous pour prendre rendez-vous.

Referral Application


Additional Information

  • Restricted To: Children, Families, Caregivers, Youth
  • Program Cost: No
  • Additional Cost: No
  • Gender Inclusivity: All Genders
  • Age: 17 and under
  • Catchment: County/District/Region: United Counties of Prescott and Russell
  • Fully Accessible
  • Languages: English, French
  • Virtual Service: Yes


Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell - Rockland


860 Caron Street


Operated By

Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell


Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Evening appointments may be available.

Referral Contact Information

Phone: 613-673-5148

Toll Free: 800-675-6168

FAX: 613-673-1405