Enter Title


Opioid Agonist Treatment

Type Of Service

Medication Assisted Addiction Treatment

Program Description

The program is based on an Outpatient Harm Reduction Model, and includes the following:

- An initial intake interview
- Medical examination and laboratory tests, where appropriate
- Urine testing
- A signed treatment contract and treatment plan
- Regular medical follow up

Access Information

Referrals accepted from all sources. Call or walk in for referral. Individual will be assessed during initial contact. Program can be accessed through RAAM Clinic as well.

Additional Information

  • Program Cost: No
  • Additional Cost: Yes, In some instances clients must pay a dispensing fee.
  • Gender: All Genders
  • Age: 18 and up
  • Catchment: County/District/Region: Frontenac County, Lennox and Addington County
  • Fully Accessible
  • Languages: English, French, Interpretation Services
  • Virtual Service: Yes


Street Health


115 Barrack Street


Operated By

Kingston Community Health Centres


Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Clinic held on the second Sunday of every month.

Referral Contact Information

Phone: 613-549-1440

FAX: 613-549-7986