Case Management - Mental Health
School Community Intervention Partnership (SCIP), provides effective early intervention for elementary school children grade 1 to 5 who experience difficulties in emotional and behavioral self-regulation. This program offers: consultation, intake, and assessment, case management and service coordination, parent/caregiver skill building, support.
School referral required. SCIP referrals come from the following school boards; Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence; Conseil Scolaire Viamonde; London District Catholic School Board; Thames Valley District School Board. For inclusion and exclusion criteria, please see SCIP Vanier School Referral Package.
Vanier Children's Services
871 Trafalgar Street
Vanier Children's Mental Wellness
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Later appointment can be offered to meet the needs of the client.
Phone: 519-433-3101