Support Within Housing - Mental Health
The Cooperative Housing Program provides supportive medium to long-term housing to young adults with mental health issues. This program provides staged, subsidized supportive housing to the young individuals until they are prepared for a more independent living environment. The program includes the following services: Subsidized supportive housing, assessment and provision of life skills, social skills and therapeutic counselling needs, individualized case planning, group programming, preparation to move to a more independent environment and referrals to other community resources as required.
Referrals accepted from all referral sources including self. Call or email. Appointments are booked through central intake.
The majority of young adults requiring this service are assessed through their involvement in Youthab's Transition Home Program.
Youth Habilitation (Quinte) - Picton
Youth Habilitation (Quinte) Inc.
Main Hours: Open 24/7
Phone: 613-969-9765
ext. 403
Toll Free: 866-859-9222
FAX: 613-969-8834