Community-Based Withdrawal Management
Offers an alternative to Residential Withdrawal Management Services for people with less severe withdrawal symptoms who have a supportive home environment.
Offered primarily through telephone support, checking in at specified times to monitor withdrawal symptoms. Some people choose to drop in for an on-site assessment during their withdrawal process. Support, reassurance and motivational counselling are offered.
Referrals accepted from all sources, including self-referrals.
Referrals go through Central Connect. Please call or complete the online referral form.
Pinewood Centre - Residential Withdrawal Management Services (RWMS)
300 Centre Street S
Lakeridge Health Corporation
Main Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Telephone support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 905-440-7534
Toll Free: 833-392-7363
FAX: 905-440-7560