Short-Term Crisis Support Beds
The Gallagher Centre provides short-term residential beds to persons with a mental health concerns diagnoses, or suspected, who are experiencing a crisis, and assessed as appropriate for stabilization in the community. The service involves crisis counselling, risk management, and the coordination of service provision within the mental health, social service, and criminal justice fields.
Referrals accepted from all sources. Call to make a referral.
Referral criteria: Individuals diagnosed and/or suspected and are currently experiencing a crisis that puts the person at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system or hospitalization as a result of mental health symptoms; or are currently detained following charges and are eligible for diversion or bail, whereby the person can be managed in a short-term residential program to avoid incarceration while addressing crisis factors.
Gallagher Centre
266 Egerton Street
St. Leonard's Society of London
Main Hours: Open 24/7
Phone: 519-451-7707