Focus: Mental Health
Prevention and Early Intervention in Psychosis (PEPP) is a community-focused mental health program which provides prompt assessment and comprehensive, phase-specific medical and psychosocial treatment for individuals experiencing their first episode of psychosis.
Focus: Mental Health
Outpatient psycho-education for clients and their families are available. Outreach workers offer limited services, including screening, psycho-education and therapy.
Focus: Mental Health
This program is specialized in seniors exhibiting a responsive behaviour (including restlessness, confusion, and aggressiveness) and addiction issues. A comprehensive assessment report is provided with recommendations for diagnostic testing, treatment, management, and referral to community or psychiatric services with the long-term goal of maintaining individuals in their homes.
Focus: Mental Health
Day Hospital provides group therapy programs to support mental health inpatients and outpatients.
Focus: Mental Health
A team of registered nurses administer long acting antipsychotic injectable medications to patients as prescribed, and provide comprehensive health teaching and supportive counselling to mental health inpatients and outpatients.
Focus: Mental Health
The Walk-In Counselling program provides time sensitive, single-session therapeutic care to persons seeking mental health support.
Focus: Substance Abuse
The Addictions Response Resource provides initial addictions support, community system navigation and follow-up to patients requiring addictions treatment, to support access and transition to community addictions services
Focus: Mental Health
This service provides mental health intake, assessment and screening, and treatment services. Treatment services include individual therapy, family therapy, teen group therapy, trauma debriefing and eating disorder outreach program.
Focus: Mental Health
Inpatient mental health program provides acute and short-term care and treatment to seriously and/or chronically mentally ill as well as to individuals experiencing significant dysfunction or crisis due to acute life experiences. Group programs, individual and family assessment, psychiatric consultations available.
Focus: Mental Health
Outpatient programs offer a mental health intake assessment and screening, individual, family, marital and brief group therapy. Day hospital programming and medication clinic can also be arranged.