
Posts Tagged 'resiliency'

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Resiliency in Mental Health and Addictions From A Front Line Worker

  In reflecting on resiliency in the field of mental health and addiction as a front-line social worker. I have two perspectives: the resiliency of the front-line worker, and the resiliency of those who we are called to serve. As a seasoned social worker with over fifteen years of experience in the field, ranging from a focus on at-risk youth, HIV AIDS, mental health and addiction, housing and social services, I feel as though I have the experience to speak to the resiliency of both social workers and clients alike. Resiliency is defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness” (Oxford Languages). As front-line workers, we are privileged to hear the stories of those we serve. The stories shared with us are seen as “gifts” because not everybody is able to receive them. Often times a call for help is overwhelming for individuals; it can be scary, embarrassing, and at times, very emotional. For those reaching out for help, we are often their first p ...

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