Focus: Substance Abuse
The Assessment and Stabilization Unit is a short stay inpatient unit where individuals with substance use are admitted for assessment, medically supervised detoxification and stabilization. This program is suitable for individuals with severe alcohol use disorders who require a medically supervised detox or for individuals who have been unable to stabilize on opioid agonist therapy (methadone, buprenorphine/naloxone) in the community.
Focus: Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Focus: Mental Health, Substance Abuse
The Concurrent Disorders Unit is an intensive inpatient unit for people with severe, complex, and active substance (drug or alcohol) use and mental health disorders with significant impairment in functioning.
The team offers stabilization, assessment, diagnostic clarification, and treatment of concurrent disorders (mental health and substance use).
Focus: Substance Abuse
The Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic offers immediate assistance to any individual who is struggling with their alcohol and/or opioid use.
Services may include:
- harm reduction services
- assessment
- treatment planning
- opioid agonist therapy (buprenorphine/naloxone)
- access to medically supported alcohol withdrawal and anti-craving medication
- connection with other community and social services.
Focus: Mental Health
Provides a consultation service for patients suffering from a possible sleep disorder. Program provides follow-up and detailed treatment recommendations to referring physician.
Focus: Mental Health
The partial hospitalization unit provides a day program for youth with serious psychiatric disorders who require intensive treatment in order to function in the community. Youth with mental illness must be stable enough not to require inpatient services. Services are provided by a team of professionals includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, an occupational therapist, nurses, and a recreation therapist.
Focus: Mental Health
An intensive and specialized mental health service for youth with early onset major psychiatric disorders and/or complex and treatment resistant psychiatric illnesses. Services provided by a team approach that includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, an occupational therapist, nurses, and a recreation therapist. Outpatient services offers services to youth who can function in the community with less intensive clinical support. Services are delivered in collaboration with community mental health providers.
Focus: Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Focus: Mental Health, Substance Abuse
This program offers assessment, treatment, and support for individuals who are concerned about their opioid use (i.e. Fentanyl, Percocet, Dilaudid, Hydromorphone, and Oxycontin) and related mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. The program provides outpatient opioid detoxification and maintenance services as well as mental health assessment and treatment options for individuals with an opioid addiction. Treatment is tailored to each individual's unique needs.
Focus: Mental Health
The schizophrenia clinic offers individualized treatment. The care includes: consultation, treatment, medication optimization, support, education, regular evaluation of progress and referrals to community services. Staff assists clients and family members in dealing with crisis situations.
Focus: Mental Health
The Day Program is available for individuals who want to improve their quality of life and enhance their recovery process. The service is open to individuals from the inpatient unit, or to individuals in the community who require more intensive support and/or structure to prevent hospitalization.
Focus: Mental Health
Patients with acute and complex psychiatric illnesses and needing specialized treatment may be admitted to the geriatric unit. Provides assessment and individualized treatment for seniors who require complex interventions and monitoring.
Focus: Mental Health
Geriatric psychiatrist and nurse provide consultation and follow-up psychiatric care to residents of long-term care (LTC) facilities, together with both the physician and staff at long-term care facilities.
Focus: Mental Health
The Geriatric Day Hospital Program provides day treatment and crisis intervention for individuals who require intensive treatment for mental health issues but can safely live in the community. The day hospital provides assessment as well as individual and group treatment. Day program operates two to four days a week.
Focus: Mental Health
The Operational Stress Injury Clinic is a specialized outpatient program that serves Canadian Forces veterans and current members, and eligible members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The clinic adjusts therapy to meet each individual’s specific needs. Individuals receive an initial comprehensive assessment, after which the individual and healthcare provider collaborate to develop an individualized treatment plan. Family members of individuals may also be eligible to access these services.
Focus: Substance Abuse
The Virtual Concurrent Disorders Unit Day Program (V-CDU) offers:
- Virtual online groups and individual meetings with team care members (Psychology, Social Work, Physician, Recreation Therapist)
- Goal directed: Each patient will have their own goals and treatment plan that addresses mental health and substance use
- Integrated care: Information shared with one staff member is shared with all other V- CDU staff members so we can work together with you on your treatment plan
- Harm reduction philosophy: Our focus is on increasing safety - you do not need to have a goal of abstinence to attend the program
- Trauma-informed care: We work to create a safe and collaborative environment
- Skill building: You will attend treatment groups to help build new skills to help you move toward your goals
All groups are offered through Zoom. Clients have access to a local addiction worker for support during the program. Individual care team appointments may be offered either by telephone or other video conferencing platforms.
Focus: Mental Health
The Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) Program supports individuals with mild to moderate depression and anxiety related conditions by providing publicly funded, short-term structured treatment.
These services include guided self-help resources that are supported by a coach or therapist.
Individuals identifying the following issues can be supported:
- Depression and low mood,
- Generalized anxiety and worry,
- Health anxiety,
- Obsessive-compulsive concerns,
- Other anxiety and stress-related problems,
- Posttraumatic stress,
- Social anxiety and performance fears,
- Specific fears,
- Unexpected panic attacks and agoraphobic fears.
Focus: Mental Health
Youth Psychiatry Program offers intensive and specialized mental health services to youth with early onset major psychiatric disorders and/or complex and treatment resistant psychiatric illnesses. Services are delivered by a team of professionals that includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, an occupational therapist, nurses, child and youth counsellors, a recreation therapist, and a special education teacher. The inpatient hospitalization unit provides comprehensive assessment, stabilization and treatment for youth who have serious psychiatric illness and are unable to function in less supportive environments.
Focus: Mental Health
Outpatient clinic is a consultation service offering professional advice and psychiatric expertise to primary care physicians and psychiatrists. Provides initial assessment for all individuals referred to Geriatric Psychiatry Program. Provides follow-up treatment for selected cases.
Focus: Mental Health
Individuals are eligible for this program if one of the following reasons apply: symptoms of illness have increased; medication needs adjustment; or monitoring for a new treatment program or research project. Individuals will have the opportunity to participate in individual and group activities, some of which may be in the community. Vocational counselling can be offered.